
Thursday, October 1, 2015 at 5 PM - 9:30 PM

Bureau of General Services-Queer Division (208 W 13th St, Rm 210, NYC)


In conjunction with the Bureau's current exhibition, KNOWSGAY No5: Heroes and Role Models, KNOWSGAY brings together various queer zine makers and fans to meet, share and discuss their art and process. Each exhibitor will have their publications for sale as well as speak about their work and participate in a brief Q&A.

Free Admission.



Elvis Bhttps://www.etsy.com/shop/CaptainElvis

SELFISH http://www.girlsgetselfish.com/

3-Pack Jack  http://darinkleinandfriends.blogspot.com/ andhttp://www.kardambikis.com/

Anthony Malone http://anthonymaloneisalive.tumblr.com/

Arno Mokros http://arno-press.tumblr.com/

Kyle Quinn http://www.stonedtodeath.bigcartel.com/products

Stephen Grebinski http://www.stephengrebinski.com/

Dave Ortega www.drawdavedraw.com

Headmaster http://www.headmastermagazine.com/

J. Morrisson http://www.j-morrison.com/

Pink Mince http://www.pinkmince.com/

Le Gros Monsieur http://legrosmonsieur.fr/

Creeps Annual http://creepsannual.com/

FAQNP http://www.faqnp.com/